Have an Auto Accident? When Should You Call an Auto Accident Lawyer?

When a person is injured in an auto accident that was caused by another party, they may be entitled to compensation for vehicle repair fees, missed work, pain and suffering, and more.

To ensure that you have the strongest case possible and the best chance for a successful outcome, it is beneficial to have an auto accident lawyer in New Haven on your side.

Immediately following an accident, it is important to document everything you can. From taking down information to getting pictures of the entire scene, it is crucial that you do all that you can to gather evidence. If you have a smartphone, consider taking pictures of the accident and the driver’s information with your phone. This will allow you to easily print or e-mail the photos.

Once you have time to reflect on the accident, you should begin thinking about legal representation. While some attorneys will recommend waiting until you have recovered from any injuries before pursuing your case, others will recommend getting started as soon as possible.

There is a statute of limitation on how long you have to file a claim, so it isn’t advisable to wait long before contacting an attorney. In the event that you want to contact an attorney, but cannot make it to their office, choose one that can travel to your home for any necessary appointments.

It is important to seek legal assistance before you make statements to any parties involved in your case. Anything you say to them may be used against you later on. An attorney can advise you on what you should say and can even speak with the other parties on your behalf.

Being involved in an auto accident can lead to a confusing, frustrating situation for all parties involved. Fortunately, a skilled legal expert can guide you through this complex process. Most car accident attorneys will offer a free initial consultation, where you can get the information and advice you need upfront to help you make informed decisions going forward.

If you are concerned about how you will afford to pay your auto accident lawyer in New Haven right now, then look for an attorney that charges fees on a contingency fee basis. This will allow you to get the legal representation and assistance you need now, with the flexibility to pay for it over time.