How to Avoid a Car Accident

Before you start the engine, make sure the warning lights are off, such as the gas line, engine coolant, and engine light. And then check and make sure the tires lines and air are good enough. These are the simple ways to check that your car has no problem for driving.

Keep a watchful eye. We all think we're great drivers, and some of us are, but there are other people on the road too. Use "peripheral vision", which is seeing everything at once by focusing above a single point. If this makes you sleepy, just make sure to constantly look around. Try remembering all the cars around you on both sides of the road. Constantly check your rear-view mirror and try to judge every cars speed. Knowing where everyone is and how they drive will help you decide who to stay away from and where to go when thetime calls for it.

Check blind spots before you change lanes. There's always random side-streets and parking areas where people can just pull out without you noticing. Checking your blind spots before you move in the next lane always helps avoids side-swiping accidents.

Be especially careful when you are driving side-by-side with another car for a few minutes. Pull ahead of them or behind for a brief moment to show them: "Hey, I'm still here", just in case they're one of those drivers who don't check blind spots.

Look both ways before you enter an intersection, even if you have a green light. Not everyone pays attention!

Be mindful of approaching emergency vehicles and give way to them if you see their emergency lights flashing and/or hear their siren sounding. Remember that emergency vehicles sometimes have to drive through red lights or against the normal direction of traffic!

Use the signal lights before you change lanes. When you use the signal lights, you are also warning everyone that you want to change your lanes. They will slow down or stop the car until you pass the road.

Follow the laws. Most people have an accident because they didn’t follow the laws. Speeding and drunk driving are the top two dangerous things in the world.

Keep a safe distance. When you push the brake, it takes a few seconds to stop the car because of the time it takes to react, think, and push the brake. The safe distance depends on the speed. When you push the brake, you also can slide a little bit distance so we must keep a safe distance. More fast, more distant.

Plan your driving, for example you may choose to take a longer route but one with less traffic or is technically easier to go.

Keep your vehicle slower than the speed limits at turns or steep roads. You never know what is going to come from the other side.